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Thanksgiving: A Jewish Holiday?

Many believe that the Thanksgiving holiday, though not rooted in Jewish tradition, should still be celebrated by American Jews.  Granted, this holiday is not Jewish in origin, however, there is no questions that the Thanksgiving rituals are very Jewish in nature, with the main event being a family meal around the table.  
Now what could be more Jewish than that?

Indeed, American Jews have a lot to be thankful for.
Despite the United States shameful behavior during the Holocaust; Despite the anti-Semitism recorded in American History;  Despite the Pat Buchanans, the David Dukes, and their like;  Despite the hate groups;  Despite ugly swastikas painted on Jewish Institutions' premises by despicable hate mongers; 
America has been and is good to its Jewish population.
And the Jews have been good for America!

Other Interesting Tidbits
The Turkey, Thanksgiving's holiday bird, in Hebrew is a "Tar-ne-gol Hodu."   The word "Hodu" is based on the same Hebrew root as "Ho-da-ya," which means Giving Thanks.

Legend has it that the Columbus and his seamen were Jewish.  Any proof, you may ask?
Well, when the (Jewish?) pilgrims found the Turkey, they exclaimed happily "a Too-key!"  They thought the bird that saved them was a Parrot, or in Hebrew a "Too-key."

Treat Yourself to a Lovely Book - About Being and Living Jewish
The Jewish Book of Why/the Second Jewish Book of Why -- by,Alfred J. Kolatch

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Is Thanksgiving a Jewish Holiday?
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